Welcome to Carla Tora Clinic


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What is Shiatsu ?

Shiatsu is a Japanese bodywork therapy that helps people to balance, which is key to health in Eastern medicine, and it’s used either as a preventative medicine or for healing. We’ve created a space in the neighbourhood of Chorlton / Whalleyrange in Manchester to support anyone to achieve that harmony essential for wellbeing and good health. We support that journey one step at a time but steadily through Shiatsu, recommendations about life style, food and appropriate practices, such as Qigong (or Yin Yoga).

What is it good for ?

It's is used to prevent health issues

How is it practiced?

Shiatsu is practiced with the receiver dressed in comfortable clothes and clean socks lying on a futon, while the giver works on their Hara (abdomen) to get a diagnose, then proceeds to work on the meridians that come up on the Hara diagnosis. We also work with pressure points using our thumbs and fingers, maybe elbows too, instead of needles as done by an acupuncturist. We might perform some stretches and definitely join rotations.

Shiatsu Experiences

In the video below, listen what people say about Shiatsu and see few practitioners giving Shiatsu to their clients.

Video produced by Shiatsu Society whom we are members.

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